Monday, November 3, 2014

Hairstyles: Great Styles For Older Women

Although you are old, you have every right to look beautiful. To help you out here are some of the best hairstyles for you as an older woman:Short stylesAs an old lady, you should go for short hairstyles. If you feel youthful, you should let your hair length go beyond your shoulders. If your hair is wavy and thick and you want it long, you should go for a layered and feathered cut. For you to keep the long layers healthy, you should get a trim after every six to eight weeks.Pixie cutsA pixie cut is ideal for those interested in low maintenance, but stylish cuts. In most cases, the cut is between two to four inches in length. To increase the appeal of the hair you should add gel, mousse, or hair wax.Cropped bobThis is ideal for those that are daring and want a cool style. While this style is great, it looks splendid on people with thinner and straight hair. If you have curly or wavy hair, you should avoid the style because it will give your head a mushroom look.Graying hairAlthough, you can color your hair if it's turning gray, you should consider leaving it gray. If you are interested in a more stylish look, you should color the hair white or silver.

Chin length bobThis is ideal for people looking for a versatile look. The style is usually ideal for those with wavy, curly, or straight hair. The good side with the style is that it has a number of options; therefore, you can style your hair in many ways.Factors to consider when choosing your hairstyleOne of the factors that you should consider is your skin color. As rule of thumb you should go for a style that compliments your skin color.Another factor you should consider is the thickness and texture of your hair. Main types of textures are fine, medium, and course and they are ideal for different styles. For example, if you have thick hair, you should go for straight hairstyles.The wave pattern of your hair is also an important factor to consider when choosing your hairstyle. This is because different patterns have different ways of curling.The final factor you should consider is the facial structure. If you are not sure of the right style for your face, you should ask your hair stylist.

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