Monday, October 6, 2014

Botox: How To Prepare For Your Treatment

When you choose to have a Botox treatment, you should take proper steps in preparation. By doing so, you are doing what you can to ensure a positive experience. The following steps will help you best prepare for your Botox treatments.1. Carefully select a doctor. It is important that you choose a doctor that knows exactly what he or she is doing. A good experience with Botox depends on the technique and skill of the physician injecting it. Do your research and find an experience, board-certified doctor who has had years of success and specializes in the anatomy of the face.2. Ask questions. Before visiting your doctor, compose a list of questions you would like to ask. This assures you do not forget anything during your consultation appointment and have enough information to make an informed decision. Ask about cost, how many units you will need, and how long he or she has been giving the injections. You can also ask about any risks or side effects you may experience, how to take care of your skin afterwards, and how often someone with skin like yours should get Botox. You may also want to ask your doctor about bruising and if he or she does anything to help minimize it. Ask about touch-ups and their costs should the Botox not last as long as it should.3. Be transparent. To make sure you have a good experience, you want to tell your doctor everything about your medical history. This will allow him or her to determine if you are a good candidate. You will need to tell your doctor about any medications, supplements, or herbs you are currently taking. He or she will also need to know about any allergies, medical conditions, recent procedures, and anything else you can think of.

4. Is Botox the best treatment for you? By consulting with an experienced doctor, they can tell you what injections can and cannot do for your skin. For example, certain wrinkles respond better to fillers instead. Talk openly with your doctor so you can receive the best therapy for your skin.5. Have realistic expectations. Your physician should tell you exactly what the treatment is capable of doing. Make sure you know exactly what you can expect or you may be disappointed.6. Stop taking blood-thinning medication. Once you have an appointment for treatment, you should not take any medication that can thin your blood a week before your injections. These medications include vitamin E, Ginseng, aspirin, ibuprofen, St. John's Wart, and fish oil. This will minimize potential bruising. Also, avoid alcoholic beverages for a few days prior to your treatment appointment.When you want to improve your appearance, Botox can help. In order to have a good experience with the treatments, follow the tips shared here.

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